PerleVerdi is a new line of products for large-scale distribution present on the national market and expanding internationally. It sells high quality fruit and vegetables, packed with compostable materials. Our agency followed the birth of the brand, conceiving the name and designing the packaging, and then taking care of all the communication.

We recently thought of starting a partnership between PerleVerdi and Plastic Free Onlus, an association that aims to inform and raise awareness of the dangers of plastic. This meeting allowed the company to participate in an event that was held on 26 September last, a national day for the collection of abandoned waste in Italian cities and beaches, organized by Plastic Free Onlus.

PerleVerdi supported the events of Palermo and Caltanissetta, also refreshing the participants with its tasty apples. In Palermo, in particular, the Italian collection record was broken, with 784 volunteers at work. When an excellent understanding is formed between an agency and a client, the results are tangible and satisfy both.